Anti-Harassment Policy

Ga Mountain Charity Comic Con is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and rewarding atmosphere.  Our con in meant to be an inclusive apace for fans of all ages with a zero-tolerance policy against harassment, groping, stalking and inappropriate photography.  No photographs may be made without permission.  Gender-based harassment is also unacceptable.

The definition of harassment is any unwanted behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or distressed.  It can be physical or verbal.  Note that it is what someone else feels… not you.  You might not see yourself as harassing, but if someone else does… it is.  Bottom line… harassment of any kind is unwelcome at Ga Mountain Charity Comic Con and it will not be tolerated.

If you feel that you are being harassed, please notify security personnel located within the exhibit hall or report the incident to the comic con management booth, also in the exhibit hall.  Offender will be advised to stop the offensive acts or face being escorted out of the comic con without refund.


Prohibited Items

Exhibitors must not sell food or beverage unless approved by event management.

Unofficial and/orbootleg items are not allowed.  AI generated art is not allowed.

Tobacco, vape, CBD, cannabis or any smoking-related merchandise is not allowed.  No smoking is allowed inside the building.

No sort of gambling or games of chance is allowed.

Exhibitors will be restricted to comic con themed merchandise.  Artist Alley tables are meant for artists selling their own original work.  No solicitation for time share or other membership orgs are allowed.

Exhibitor Responsibilites

Exhibitor badges are meant to used for approved exhibitors who are working at GMCCC Events.  Sharing, selling, or otherwise abusing exhibitor badges is not allowed.  Booths must remain manned during event.  

Exhibitors must use their own space under their own recognized name and may not exhibit under a space reserved for another exhibitor without permission from management.

All exhibitors are expected to setup and ready for customers when doors open.  We ask you to be respectful of other vendors during set up, operation and tear down.


We understand that life happens and occasionally, it gets in the way of our planned activities.  We hope you can honor your registration with our con, but if conflicts arise, we will try to work with you.  Our refund policy is as follows:

More than 90 days prior to event:  Refund will be given minus $75 cancellation fee ($30 fee for Artist Alley tables).

Between 31 and 89 days until event:  Refund given minus $100 cancellation fee for all vendors.

Less than 31 days until event:  No refunds given.

Cosplay & Costume Weapon Policy

Cosplay is encouraged at GMCCC.  Please keep in mind that this is a family friendly event and costumes should not be offensive in any way.  Genitalia and breasts will be covered.  Shoes are required to be worn while in exhibit hall.  If costume requires bare feet, shoes can be removed during competition on stage.

Prop weapons are allowed as long as they meet the following criteria:  Weapons are composed of cardboard, foam or something light.  Any weapon that could seriously hurt someone is not allowed.  Bows must have no tension in string and arrows are not allowed with hard tips.  No weapon is allowed if it looks real.  No weapons may shoot projectiles of any kind.

No explosives or loud props such as air horns or whistles.

Hateful symbols aren’t welcome at GMCCC.  Historical costumes are great, but reminders of unspeakable atrocities are not appropriate.

As an onlooker of Cosplay actors, please ask before taking photos.

Any costume that obstructs vision must be accompanied by a handler to ensure safety in crowded aisles.

Lastly, this is your con! Have fun with your imagination and become something spectacular!









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