Volunteer Opportunities

Do you love comic cons?  Is the thought of spending the day at one so overwhelming you can’t stand it?  Then you are the super-hero volunteer we are looking for!  We need dedicated volunteers to help with setup and over seeing the last minute details that often go astray if you are caught short handed.  The more volunteers the merrier we always say!

Positions you could assist with include but are not limited to ticket sales, concession sales, guests aides in directions, escorts to VIPs, runners, message takers…. you know… the usual hero stuff.

Shifts could be as short as 4 hours or if you really love us… the whole day!

Please contact us using the message section below and let us know your desires.  We will certainly appreciate everything you do.  Oh… and did  I mention… our vols get a free original design event t-shirt and free admission?  Sign up today!

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